  • Conduct initial and final assessment according to the standards of the Global Innovation Institute.

  • Prepare reports on the readiness level of institutions and individuals.

  • Develop a roadmap for enhancing institutional and individual innovation capabilities.Design the strategic and operational plan for innovation.

  • Provide consultancy services for innovation labs and accreditation according to the specifications of the Global Innovation Institute.

  • Build capacities and form an innovation team.

  • Prepare a report on local and global trends and best practices in the field of innovation.

  • Develop and implement an integrated innovation framework/system.

  • Prepare an operations and policies manual for innovation.

  • Develop an innovation ecosystem.

  • Prepare a guide for innovation rewards and incentives.

  • Develop a matrix of innovation competencies and skills.

  • Prepare a marketing plan for innovation.

  • Develop a roadmap for intellectual property rights registration and research.

  • Conduct idea generation workshops.